Activate! Service & servants at Christ Covenant
We at Christ Covenant believe that all members of the body are called to contribute to the whole. The Church’s teachers are given, in part, to equip the saints for the work of ministry (“service”), so that the body of Christ is built up through the equipping provided by each member (Ephesians 4:11–16). At CCC, there are a host of people who do all sorts of things behind the scenes, and even if we could identify each of them with all of their various contributions, we would essentially be giving a complete membership list!
Nonetheless, alongside our ordained leadership team, there are certain key people who serve in roles which help make our worship services and other public events what they are. Knowing who some of these people are may help you know who to contact should you wish to take advantage of a service opportunity.
Sunday Worship
Preaching Rotation
Jamie Soles, Brad Donovan, and Jesse Penner are all in our regular preaching rotation, with Mike Donovan frequently travelling from Fort St John to minister to us.

Piano Musicians
Timbrel Penner and Laura Joosse share piano duties.

Other Musicians
Along with elder Jamie Soles, Jesse Penner leads worship with guitar accompaniment and direction of congregational singing.

Classes & Studies
Romans Bible Study
Noah Shoemaker is heading up a Bible study working through Paul’s letter to the Romans. [Photo forthcoming.]
Food and Fellowship Support
Alyssa Donovan, Bernice Shoemaker, and Valerie Soles ensure we have sufficient supplies for all our functions where food or drink are involved. They also organize our fellowship meals and other events.
Zion Shoemaker organizes meal trains for new moms and sick members.
Web Site
Jesse Penner is “point man” to provide direction to our web designer/developer.