Christ Covenant

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891 sermons found

A Prayer of Faith in Time of Trouble

July 12, 2009

Psalm 6

Preacher: George Plante

Paul’s Politics for Thessalonica

July 5, 2009

Series: Waiting Instructions (1 Thessalonians)

Acts 17:1–9

Preacher: Dale Callahan

A Fitting Conclusion

June 28, 2009

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 5:19–20

Preacher: George Plante

Altogether Just

June 21, 2009

Series: Heidelberg Catechism

Keywords: LD4, catechism

Romans 2:1–16

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Prayer and Healing

June 14, 2009

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 5:13–18

Preacher: George Plante

Angelic Addictions

June 7, 2009

Luke 4:5–8

Preacher: Dale Callahan

The Feast of Pentecost

May 31, 2009

Keywords: Holy Spirit, Pentecost

Leviticus 23:15–22

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Stop Swearing

May 24, 2009

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 5:12

Preacher: George Plante

The Ultimate Make-Up Test

May 17, 2009

Series: none

Genesis 45:1–11

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Diagnostic Imaging

May 10, 2009

Series: Heidelberg Catechism

Keywords: LD3, catechism

Ephesians 4:17–24

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Patient Endurance

May 3, 2009

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 5:7–11

Preacher: George Plante

A Prophetic Pronouncement

April 26, 2009

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 5:1–6

Preacher: George Plante

Misery Unveiled

April 19, 2009

Series: Heidelberg Catechism

Keywords: LD2, catechism

Romans 3:1–20

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Resurrection, Rejoicing & Rebellion

April 12, 2009

Keywords: Easter

Matthew 28:11–15

Preacher: George Plante

Jesus Is Dying to Be Your Friend

April 5, 2009

Keywords: Good Friday

John 15:12–20

Preacher: Dale Callahan

A Comfortable Confession

March 29, 2009

Series: Heidelberg Catechism

Keywords: LD1, catechism

John 21

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Planning Without God

March 22, 2009

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 4:13–17

Preacher: George Plante

Royal Forgiveness

March 15, 2009

Matthew 18:21–35

Preacher: Dale Callahan

The Apostle as Mom

March 8, 2009

Series: Letter of Travail (Galatians)

Galatians 4:12–20

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Speaking Against a Brother

March 1, 2009

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 4:11–12

Preacher: George Plante

No Pain, No Gain

February 22, 2009

Matthew 18:15–20

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Lord of the Sabbath

February 15, 2009

Keywords: Sabbath

Mark 2:23–28

Preacher: Tim Gallant

James on Being Humble

February 8, 2009

Series: Faith at Work (James)

Keywords: humility

James 4:7–10

Preacher: George Plante

Abiding in Christ

February 1, 2009

John 15:1–6

Preacher: Dale Callahan