Christ Covenant

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891 sermons found

Tongue-Taming (Part 2)

August 3, 2008

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 3:7–12

Preacher: George Plante

It’s Well Worth the Wait

July 27, 2008

Series: Into the Promise (Joshua)

Joshua 8:1–2

Preacher: Dale Callahan

A Limited Law

July 20, 2008

Series: Letter of Travail (Galatians)

Keywords: Torah

Galatians 3:19–25

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Living in the Tent of the Lord

July 13, 2008

Psalm 15

Preacher: George Plante

A Thorn in Israel’s Side

July 6, 2008

Series: Into the Promise (Joshua)

Joshua 7

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Secure Promises for a Secure Seed

June 29, 2008

Series: Letter of Travail (Galatians)

Galatians 3:15–18

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Tongue-Taming (Part 1)

June 22, 2008

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 3:1–6

Preacher: George Plante

Rahab’s Faith

June 15, 2008

Series: Into the Promise (Joshua)

Joshua 2

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Faith & Works Examined (Part 2)

June 8, 2008

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 2:20–26

Preacher: George Plante

Future Hope

June 1, 2008

Series: Our Bedrock (Nicene Creed)

Romans 8:1–30

Preacher: Tim Gallant

The Power of Baptism

May 25, 2008

Series: Our Bedrock (Nicene Creed)

Acts 22:16

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Loving God with All Your Mites

May 18, 2008

Matthew 6:19–24

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Faith & Works Examined (Part 1)

May 11, 2008

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 2:20–26

Preacher: George Plante

Jesus vs. Mr Potato Head

May 4, 2008

Exodus 20:3–6

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Confessing the Church (2)

April 27, 2008

Series: Our Bedrock (Nicene Creed)

Ephesians 4:1–16

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Remember, Not to Forget

April 20, 2008

Deuteronomy 6:1–15

Preacher: Dale Callahan

The Royal Law

April 13, 2008

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 2:8–13

Preacher: George Plante

Confessing the Church (1)

April 6, 2008

Series: Our Bedrock (Nicene Creed)

Ephesians 4:1–16

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Discrimination in the Community

March 30, 2008

Series: Faith at Work (James)

James 2:1–7

Preacher: George Plante

A Life to Die For

March 23, 2008

Acts 2:22–24

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Jesus in Gethsemane

March 16, 2008

Mark 14:32–42

Preacher: George Plante

The Future of Christ

March 9, 2008

Series: Our Bedrock (Nicene Creed)

2 Thessalonians 1

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Mr Perfect?

March 2, 2008

Series: Pieces of Proverbs

Proverbs Proverbs 16:18

Preacher: Dale Callahan

The Lord & Giver of Life

February 24, 2008

Series: Our Bedrock (Nicene Creed)

Keywords: Holy Spirit

2 Corinthians 3

Preacher: Tim Gallant