Christ Covenant

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882 sermons found

Journey into Fear

June 24, 2007

Series: Pieces of Proverbs

Proverbs 2:1–6

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Heirs of Abraham’s Gospel

June 17, 2007

Series: Letter of Travail (Galatians)

Galatians 3:6–9

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Keep On Running

June 10, 2007

Keywords: perseverance

Hebrews 12:1–2

Preacher: George Plante

Welcome to Wisdom

June 3, 2007

Series: Pieces of Proverbs

Proverbs 1:1–7

Preacher: Dale Callahan

The Filling of the New Temple

May 27, 2007

Keywords: Holy Spirit, Pentecost

Acts 2:1–12

Preacher: Tim Gallant

Jesus: King, Priest, Warrior

May 20, 2007

Psalm 110

Preacher: George Plante

God’s New Temple Under Construction

May 13, 2007

Keywords: church

Ephesians 2:19–22

Preacher: Tim Gallant

The Gift of Wisdom

May 6, 2007

1 Kings 3:5–15

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Christians Loving Christians

April 29, 2007

Keywords: love

John 13:33–35

Preacher: George Plante

An Inheritance Begun

April 22, 2007

Series: Letter of Travail (Galatians)

Galatians 3:1–5

Preacher: Tim Gallant

I Will Build My Church

April 15, 2007

Matthew 16:18–19

Preacher: George Plante

The Truth Will Prevail

April 8, 2007

Matthew 28:1–15

Preacher: Dale Callahan

The Royal Ride

April 1, 2007

Keywords: Triumphal Entry

Mark 11:1–10

Preacher: Tim Gallant

The Word Became Flesh

March 25, 2007

John 1:14–18

Preacher: George Plante

Pursuing Love

March 18, 2007

Series: Reluctant Reformer (Jonah)

Jonah 4

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Baptismal Promises

March 11, 2007

Keywords: covenant, baptism

Acts 2:38–39

Preacher: Tim Gallant

The Word as Light of the World

March 4, 2007

John 1:6–13

Preacher: George Plante

The City Within the City

February 25, 2007

Series: Reluctant Reformer (Jonah)

Jonah 3:5–10

Preacher: Dale Callahan

The Way of the Righteous & the Way of the Wicked

February 11, 2007

Psalm 1

Preacher: George Plante

Nineveh’s Evangelism Explosion

February 4, 2007

Series: Reluctant Reformer (Jonah)

Jonah 3:5

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Last Days Justification (2)

January 28, 2007

Series: Letter of Travail (Galatians)

Galatians 2:16–18

Preacher: Tim Gallant

The God of Second Chances

January 21, 2007

Series: Reluctant Reformer (Jonah)

Jonah 3:1–4

Preacher: Dale Callahan

Anointed at the Jordan

January 7, 2007

Keywords: baptism, Epiphany

Mark 1:9–11

Preacher: Tim Gallant

It’s Time for a Gift

December 31, 2006

Keywords: Christmas

James 1:17

Preacher: Dale Callahan